Caspian Rose Tea
The blog post below is from our friend Lizz who is an active writer and true tea enthusiast. Between her blog ‘The Tea Addicts Confessional’ and her community-based tea website ‘Stylin Tea’, she stays quite involved in the industry. In March, we sent her T-Bud’s Caspian Tea. She loved it so much she blogged about it, saying “they pretty much got it right. This tea is delicious. Because of my crazy morning I prepared it in my tea tumbler. But next time I prepare it at home I am going to add cream and sugar and I swear it will be better than any dessert!” But that wasn’t enough. A few weeks later, she wrote on it again.
Now that’s tea love.
Caspian Tea
I know I have reviewed this tea before but it deserves a second post. Clearly Tea Sparrow knew I would love this tea. I know they had their tea testing and wrote down Lizz will give this a 5 out of 5 leaf rating and like it so much she will review it twice! It seems nobody knows my palette better than my Canadian friends. I am going to cry when I run out of this blend.
T-Buds Caspian blend contains black tea, pistachios, ginger root, rose petals, cloves and natural flavors. It smells lovely. It tastes delicious. It makes me want to keep infusing until the water is clear because there is no more tea left.
They describe this blend as “An aromatic blend inspired from the Caspian region which combines pistachio, ginger, rose and cloves to create a carnival burst of flavours reminiscent of a rich seasonal cake.” One of their employees described it as “So floral and calming. Like a marzipan cookie with roses. Just beautiful.”
If it is so good why don’t I just order more? Because this tea came from T-buds. And I have been all over their website and it is nowhere to be found. Maybe it was a blend they were testing before releasing it? I don’t know. I just know that I haven’t been this excited about a black tea blend in a long time. This is the kind of quality, delicious tea I want to carry on our website. Makes me want to run up to Ontario and beg them to let us be their US distributors. Of course they wouldn’t. They would be afraid I would drink them out of business. With tea this good it’s a valid concern;)
Happy sipping!
Lizz Taylor