Tea Party 22 – 2013 

Tea Party 21 rocked the show. The teas were so phenomenal it felt like I was listening to a greatest hits album. We gathered the remaining samples from Tea Desire, Mighty Leaf and Bird Pick Teas and put them to the test. This party certainly didn’t produce the hits like Tea Party 21, but we still managed to find a few gems on the B-side.

1. Dipping back into the sample tea cupboard we pull the remaining samples we have from Tea Desire, Mighty Leaf and Bird Pick Teas.

2. Round one starts with fruit blended teas, featuring lychee, orange rinds, and mango bits. Getting a healthy dose of Vitamin C has never been easier.

3. Ariella dives straight into the tropics. Tea Desire’s Green Tea Mango calls her name, with a blend of different green teas balanced with mango.

4. Laura finds love in Mighty Leaf’s Orange Dulce and quickly argues its merits next to Ariella’s green mangos.

5. The debate continues on the round table as we wait for round two to brew, but everyone agrees Lychee Tea stole that round. The quality of the lychee essence cannot be denied.

6. Round two is the herbal challenge with chamomile, dissolving ginger bits, and rooibos berry.

7. The timer goes off and Ariella pours out the first round.

8. Follow the tea rainbow to best brew.

9. After the tea party is over I realize we didn’t get any pictures of me. Considering I’m just a poser that looks pretty darn candid.

Tea Sparrow
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