
The world’s best teas delivered to your door.

Free shipping on orders over $45
  • Chamomile Citrus

    AG* Chamomile Cream

    $15.00 Purchase
  • Chamomile Citrus

    AG* Chamomile Cream, 15 compostable bags

    $10.00 Purchase
  • Cacao CTC Tea

    $15.00$60.00 Purchase
  • Dark Chocolate Mint

    $15.00 Purchase
  • Ginger Fresh

    Ginger Fresh

    $15.00 Purchase
  • Haldi Spice Turmeric Latte Powder

    $25.00 Purchase
  • Organic August Nights

    $15.00$60.00 Purchase
  • Organic Bourbon Vanilla Bean, 15 compostable bags

    $10.00 Purchase
  • Organic Cardamom Cacao Tea

    $15.00$60.00 Purchase
  • Organic Fruit Jam

    $15.00$60.00 Purchase
  • Organic Fruit Jam, 15 compostable tea bags

    $10.00 Purchase
  • Organic Ginger Turmeric Tea

    $15.00$60.00 Purchase
Your Subscription Membership

Receive a box of premium teas, either loose leaf or in biodegradable tea bags, each month for only $20, month-to-month.

Pause and Restart

You can pause and restart your account at any time. After signing up you will receive an email with a link to your own pause/restart button.



2. Money back guarantee

If for some reason you are not scouring the bag for every last tea leaf, we will be happy to issue a full refund on your box. We won’t even ask to see the evidence.

3. Member approved

We host bi-weekly tea parties where dozens of our members score the teas to decide who’s the best. We sometimes also wear funny hats, and we always drink with at least one pinky in the air.

With your Tea Sparrow subscription, you’ll receive 4 select teas each month: one black, one green, one rooibos and one herbal tea. You can choose between loose leaf and biodegradable tea bags and can even customize your box to receive only caffeinated or only herbal teas. You'll have more than enough tea for about 35 cups per month: more than enough to spread the love or completely hoard for yourself.